Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cultivate good habits in your kid through movies

Moving pictures has always been catchy for children.  They tend to carve their behavior by looking and acting like the iconic hero which they start to be lenient with. They might like the dress, the catchy dialogue, or the visual presentation of the hero or a villain neglecting the motive each character is made of. It’s become very important for parents to select what they are feeding in their kid absorbing mind. Here are the 6 inspirational Hollywood films which you should show to your kids.

For Number One I have the movie “Antz” a movie that shows us to work as a team. It shows however small part we may have what matter most is the team outcome of that small-small effort we all put to make things happen. It shows never ever to give up the dream, never ever accept failure and to the most never stand low to a friend call when he/she in need. The cinematography has been brilliant cascading each shade of lives of an ant. Woody Allen, Sharon Stone, Jennifer Lopez, Sylvester Stallone, Dan Aykroyd, Anne Bancroft, Gene Hackman, Christopher Walken, and Danny Glover bring this movie more near to our realistic world by putting their known voices to respective characters. An ant that never is known by its size but by its colony, never by the muscles but by the weight it can pull over, the togetherness they have, the most the UNITY.

Next on the list would be Forest Gump. A story of boy who threw away the metals wrapping his leg to walk for the run that he was so determined to run. It’s a story of a person who stand for friends, has a strong will power and may whatever the circumstances be, he never throw his life for chance but makes the best out of it. The director has done a wonderful job in making the story. This story will make your kid self confident one to stand up to any challenges this world has kept for him/her.

Next in my list at number three is the movie Dumbo. A storyline written by Helen will give your child wings to imagine without any boundaries. He doesn’t have to be logical every time. He has to learn that it’s the illogical dreams that carve the innovation. He has to understand that its’ not the physical appearance rather it’s the mental strength one has to accept things as it is and bring out the best out of it. He has to learn to put faith in herself/himself and to the parents as they will be the one who will take the first blow from whatever until the kid has grown up to take one on one.

At number four in my list stands the movie is the “Lion King” an American animated musical adventure film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures. The movie will show your kids the importance of having friends in one’s life to share, to grow, and to enjoy the life. The mantra of “Hakuna Mataataa” has to come up from timon and pumba in their super way.

 “Finding Nemo” written and directed by Andrew Stanton, produced by Pixar Animation Studios, and released by Walt Disney Pictures is at number 5 in my list. As a parent we are always caring about our kid but sometimes it’s not helpful for our kid growth. You can teach her/him to put faith on family that they will be there for them in whatever the circumstances would be. It’s about telling them how to overcome their fear by trying things, failing and bounce back again for the try. It’s about trusting kids that the things that they are telling. He may be speaking insane but it’s our duty as a parent to be a good listener. The movie is about a small clownfish nemo who is been overprotected by his father Marlin. The son is been abducted and Marlin swims miles to find his son. The journey is full of drama, comedy and discoveries. A must watch for all.

For my sixth position selection the movie that qualified is the “Toy Story” which is also the first ever movie made entirely with CGI. Author director John Lasseter brings out the best of the characters in the movie and with voices of Tom Hanks and Tim Allen movie becomes an enormous hit. The movie portrays the emotions of the toys and their possessiveness towards their master. How beautifully the emotions like friendship, togetherness, leadership, possessiveness, love, care and so much has bubbled in this movie.
These movies are what your child will easily co-relate her/him to and cultivate themselves with the character of their heroes. If we help them a little with selection they will surely be perceiving things much faster we ever imagine. We can only say oh they grew so fast as time will fly but if we feed them right with what they learn and interact; they sure will turn up great in all manner. Do show them these movies for a beautiful future and a hell lot of entertainment.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Swap Shoes

If you feel the need to say or do something, yet your primary concern is not putting your foot in things/causing trouble/upsetting someone/letting sleeping dogs lie, consider first if the roles were reversed. Would you want someone to inform you, and if YES, how would YOU want to hear it?
There are three ways of pointing something out to someone.

1) There's the abrupt way, which will raise hackles and defences. This can have it's value. As behind ones defences things still sink in and depending on the person may or may not be acted upon. If the person is surrounded by fears, this approach can cause retreat and arguments.

2) There's the subtle way, making suggestions, yet not really getting to the point and just hoping that the person will get the hint. This too can have its value, as all things are absorbed in time. Eventually that person will think things were their idea!

3) The honest approach, saying 'Look, I don't want to interfere but feel I must just say this'. 
Be sincere, understand who they are and if you remain calm, if you can refrain from making any judgements and criticisms of that person, then honesty can have immediate power. ... Do be careful that you are being truly honest though, be sure that what you are suggesting isn't about YOU, for your benefits of motives, otherwise it can easily turn into the abrupt approach and cause more agro. Be aware that no one likes to be judged or told what to do.

Honesty, truly is the best policy...


Appreciation and Gratefulness can counteract sadness, grief and feelings of hopelessness.
Sadness and Hopelessness are emotional feelings which cloud a lot of our decisions, we loose the will to want to get things done. Yet, those things we do manage to accomplish we do half-heartedly.
It's hard to know how to pull yourself out of feeling this way, we seem almost content to sit amongst our troubles. We do not have the will or the effort to want to pull ourselves out of it. Though, it is NOT impossible.

Life goes on, you can decide whether you are going to walk along with your head held high, run along as fast as you can, or be dragged along (because time waits for no man, and time moves forward regardless).
The first simple steps involve a level of appreciation and gratefulness. So, before your bemoan 'What do I have to feel grateful about' ...remember...

Thank you all readers for the love and support.. happy reading...


Losing someone close to you through death is never an easy time. Our responses to death vary person to person. Death can feel unfair, it can come as a shock or as a knowing end to a painful disease.
Our focus is constantly on that person no longer being in our life and at times we simply want to curl up and forget the rest of the world even exists.

We often go over and over things we wish we had have done or said, our emotions are all over the place. Something very small can trigger us into an endless stream of tears.
If we do not allow ourselves to grieve at the time; it will effect us later in life.
Feel your emotions
It is important to allow yourself to cry, you are allowed to feel angry, sad, confused, devastated. It is important to allow yourself to feel what the loss means to you.

Denying yourself this means that it will take you a lot longer to come to terms with things.
Your emotions are an extremely VALID and important starting point for dealing with your loss.
So be angry if you need to be. Vent, shout, scream (but do so in a private place and do not direct this at one else).If you feel confused, allow yourself some time. Accept that you don't need to 'rush' to put your life back together.

Just KNOW that you will.The emotional pain that we feel can at times be completely overwhelming, it can hurt so much that we wish we could 'trade places'.
It is very important to address all the reasons and situations where you feel loss. If it helps to talk, do not feel embarrassed to book an appointment with a trained counsellor or from joining a support group. Other family members may also wish to join you, or talk to you. Or to even hold your hand and cry with you.
If you find talking to other people too difficult to do. Buy yourself a journal and write.
The important thing to remember, whether you are talking or writing is to address all the aspects of your loss. Talking often leads to you going around and around, over and over the same things, Writing however enables you to fully clear your mind.

Write down all the reasons that person meant so much to you. Write down the things you loved, and do not be afraid to write down all the things that annoyed you too. Write about the plans you had that you never had a chance to do and why you were looking forward to doing those things with that particular person. Address all the things which you wish you could say to that person if they were sat with you now, or if they could come back for just 10 minutes more, what would you say to them.
Address too, what you would like to hear from them.

We always wish we could have said Goodbye. So write a letter to say goodbye.
Getting things out, addressing all these repressed feelings WILL be a difficult and emotional time, so turn off your phone and allow yourself this special time to grieve. However, by addressing all these aspects you will be expressing yourself and you will hopefully be able to stop the thoughts whirring through your head.
Whenever you feel the need, whenever you need to simply write about this person. Do so.
If you can't put pen to paper, online anonymous journals or blogs, are a great way to get things out. They can be public or private so no one else needs to read your thoughts unless you want them to.
If you wish you or someone else had done more to help a loved one suffering; write it down.

If you need help; ask
It is important to keep those around informed as to how you are feeling. If you want to be left alone; tell them. If you want to talk to them; tell them. If you need time off work; speak to your boss. If you need advice; seek it.
Don't push people away because you think they won't understand. If some one you turn to doesn't give you the support you need; seek support from another family member or a support group.
There is no right or wrong way, and addressing how you feel may take a long or short time. it may help a lot, it may not help at all.

A significant emotion when death occurs is anger. It is important to address any anger that you feel.
We get angry at doctors and nurses, we get angry at ourselves, we get angry at other people involved in the death, we search high and low for someone to blame but because accepting death as a natural part of life is just impossible.
Sometimes, We feel depressed, and we start neglecting ourselves and those around us. It is important to also think about what this person would say to you about the 'state' you are in, should they be alive. Would they be shouting 'C'mon enough already' or would they be shouting 'I want to see you suffer more please!'
Try to feel the qualities that person brought to your life around you IN your daily life in a positive aspect. If you find yourself in a store and see something which reminds you of them, try to smile and think 'You would have loved that' instead of focusing on the loss.

The life that person lived was a special one, they brought to your life a lot of special memories and feelings too - yet they have also taught you who they are. Deep within you, you know their values and when you need to; you can bring their thoughts and opinions back into your life whenever you need to.
Celebrate the life they have lived and all the good things that they gave to. Laugh about the bad times with affection and more importantly, live your life and be happy, as death comes to all of us and it's just been shown to us that life is too short to be unhappy. Life is too short for regrets and troubles.

Scents for calming grief include:- Bergamot, chamomile, jasmine, rose, neroli

Friday, March 02, 2012

Indifference - healing from inside

Indifference is not ignorance, To be indifferent means you've built a strong wall to prevent yourself from expressing how you truly feel, which in turn stops you fully experiencing what stands before you.

Indifference is :-

Saying to yourself  'It doesn't matter' when deep down it does.

Holding back on your true emotional responses.
Being or feeling unable to express your emotions.
Feeling void of emotion.
Lack of energy to create enthusiasm for something.
Not being the true you.
Holding back on your true feelings.
Indifference is not :-
Truly not caring on an outcome is not indifference. It means you've already decided that neither outcome is preferable.
Unconcern, the situation and/or outcome has not effect on you or your life. Again, you've decided that 'this' has no reason to be in your life.

When you've made a fully informed decision based truly on your thoughts and feelings, you can not display indifference.

Indifference, is the inability or fear of expressing your true feelings and thoughts, which leads to building an invisible brick wall between you and what stands before you.

Indifference is not ignorance. Ignorance is the absence of information, absence of wanting information, and absence of response from information.
It doesn't matter
We are afraid to reveal our innermost thoughts in case of failure to reach what we desire.
I don't care, It doesn't matter, Whatever...
Yet deep down you're thinking, actually I'd prefer... to be honest I'd like... I hope...
If you honestly can not reveal your true feelings to someone about the situation, then at least be kind to yourself and tell yourself.
You'll find that once you are clear on your own feelings that you'll be less afraid to let snippets of information leek out into your actions and thoughts. Once you are clear on how you feel, you'll find the impetus to want to talk, to want to express.
Holding back/lack of emotional expression
What are you afraid of?
When you hold back or do not express your emotions. You are hurting yourself. If you can't express who you are in your life, then you are not being yourself.
If you are not being yourself then who the hell are you?
We hold back when we are afraid of other peoples responses. Why? Why be afraid of being who you are? Isn't it more responsible to be honest with yourself?
Appearing emotionless
No one is without emotions.
It's just sometimes we don't know how to express ourselves, or are unsure as to how we feel.
Dig down inside yourself to find out the truth.
Apathy is a whole new chapter at some point in the future.
However, briefly apathy is the feeling of dis-interest in everything or something. It can be quite severe and cause depression.
Start small, find one thing which would/may spark something within you.
Interacting with indifferent people
Quite often we say 'they don't care', this is our wish that 'they do care' - so figure out why it is so important to you.
Before you state someone is being indifferent, first look to see why you feel this way.
We all know a 'joker' someone who makes light of everything you say to them, we all know loud people who seem to take everything in their strides. Remember, everyone has thoughts and feelings and no-one is void of emotions, even if they appear to be.
Clearing indifference...
At times, we all act indifferent. We try to remain calm when really what we want to do is shout or scream or throw a tantrum. We try not to reveal what we feel as we are afraid or embarrassed as to what someone may think about us.
Be sure that what you say has some relevance to how you truly feel, be sure that you fully understand why you feel the way that you do.
It may take some practice to be honest about how we feel. Especially implementing it in our daily life, we get so used to hiding what we truly feel, it becomes a habit.
Believe in yourself, understand and you'll find that feelings of indifference will clear. So long as you are honest with yourself, truly honest as to how you feel.

Happy Reading.. Relationship Never Dies