Saturday, November 01, 2008


I happen to meet one of my old colleague cum best friend on last weekend as he came down to my city for an interview. We were seeing each other after a year and we have so much to talk about. I happen to pick him and take him to my place where we had break fast and went out for the interview.

I waited for an hour and half for him to finish up the things and then we went to a pub. I was going to be married soon and he was going to be a father soon. I just happen to take some advice from him on marriage and there he went... He started by saying that you need to be mentally and emotionally strong to survive marriage. He said that just remember the expectations people use to have from us is going to increase by multiple folds.

My life flash back in front of me in minute remembering the expectations of my parents to be best in behavior and academically, the expectation of my teachers, expectations of my relatives, expectation of my friends, and expectations of myself from me. Oh gosh... now expectations of all of them with added expectations from my company, my wife , my kids, my wife relatives... The pressure went low in my body and my hands went cold and sweating...

I took few drinks and started wondering that when exactly is the right time for anything and my mind went blank... there is never a perfect time amongst the expectations that we live in..

Expectations before n after marriage changes drastically. But Yes !!! the emotional quotient need to be high to survive...

My friend went back with so many ifs and buts' in my mind with a expectation that I will survive but I don't wanna merely survive rather I wanna live this to its full...