We all happen to think why the relationship has turned out this complex when we can not figure out the reason for happening so... there are reasons and clashes but are they enough to bring a loving relation to this stage...
I think we missed quite a few things that would have made us skip a situation of a
broken relationship of our life.
When you show up for every meeting with your loved one and strive to make things work out you send your loved one a strong message that you care and that he or she is worth caring about...
so just be there“My parents lecture me all the time. Why would I want my mentor to be the same way? I have the best mentor in the program, but sometimes he tries too hard to be a mentor instead of just being himself. What I mean is that he thinks he always has to share some wisdom or
advice, when sometimes I would rather just kick it and joke around.”
Of course, when your loved one comes to you for help or advice, it is appropriate to help them develop solutions. It's also okay to check in with them if you suspect that they are struggling with something. They just don't want non-stop advice. So, take the pressure off of yourself and just enjoy your loved one's company.
be a friend, not an all-knowing authorityThe best that you can do is to lead by example. By becoming a mentor, you've already modeled the most important thing a human being can do: caring about another. Here are some other ways you can be a positive role model for your loved one:
• Keep your word: Call when you say you will. Do what you say you will. Be there when you say you will;
• Return phone calls and e-mails promptly;
• Have a positive outlook;
• If your program has group sessions, participate fully;
• If you enter a competitive activity with your loved one, keep it in perspective and by all means do not cheat (or even fudge a little) to help your loved one win, get a better place in line at an event, etc.; and
• Let your loved one see you going out of your way to help others.
I think it works...
Be a role model...
Few of what is concurred by California Governor’s
Mentoring Partnership and Los Angeles Youth Mentoring Connection also...
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