Thursday, December 07, 2006

Online Freindship funda

People ask, "How can you be friends
With someone you've never met?"
I tell them,
"You've never been online I bet!"
It's something people offline
Will never understand.
You open up your heart to friendship
With your typing hands.

It's a world full friendship at your finger tips,
There is so much online,
It only takes a heart to reach people
With your touch.

First you start out online, surfing all around.
Next thing you know a great friend will be found.
You will chat a lot and surf cyber space.
Soon it will be your second home,
a comforting, special place.

A friend to share your dreams and your tears
And to help each other wipe away life's fears.
You will share life together
And help each other along
You will make it thru bad weather
Because friendship is so strong.

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