Don’t impose on me what you know,
I want to explore the unknown
And be the source of my own discoveries.
Let the known be my liberation, not my slavery.
The world of your truth can be my limitation;
Your wisdom my negation.
Don’t instruct me; let’s walk together.
Let my richness begin where yours ends.
Show me so that I can stand
On your shoulders.
Reveal yourself so that I can be
Something different.
You believe that every human being
Can love and create.
I understand, then, your fear
When I ask you to live according to your wisdom.
You will not know who I am
By listening to yourself.
Don’t instruct me; let me be.
Your failure is that I be identical to you.
Latest happenings and reverts in India affecting relationship, understanding relationships advice on realtionships,communication, relationship therapy,original honest touching lives, bridging distances, healing rifts and building bonds e-realtionship attachments theory by Amritanshu
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I want to explore the unknown
Thursday, September 03, 2009
We sometimes forget to admire things when they are around and fail to assess the true value of the relations around until they happen to be away from us. It might be an intentional or unintentional behavior to praise but its hard to make for the small loss that we just ignore.
Relations around us are always there, we never are really alone but we fail to notice this till we really happen to feel lonely. There are several ways to acknowledge if you have made the same mistake of ignorance to praise the relations around you. I know the people may not ask or is waiting for you appraisal but take my words it does matter, and it matters the most. Try thanking or saying sorry to someone near to you and just see how you make them overwhelmed with your words.
Its not that we should say Thanks when someone really did good thing or say sorry when we did something wrong to others... Sometimes these magical words simply works as always and work in a different way when we say it just like that sometime to the near and dear persons around us to tell them that its not that we may have failed to say it at the right time but its not like that we don't care...
try it once and see the magic... Thanks for reading... Happy Reading...
Relations around us are always there, we never are really alone but we fail to notice this till we really happen to feel lonely. There are several ways to acknowledge if you have made the same mistake of ignorance to praise the relations around you. I know the people may not ask or is waiting for you appraisal but take my words it does matter, and it matters the most. Try thanking or saying sorry to someone near to you and just see how you make them overwhelmed with your words.
Its not that we should say Thanks when someone really did good thing or say sorry when we did something wrong to others... Sometimes these magical words simply works as always and work in a different way when we say it just like that sometime to the near and dear persons around us to tell them that its not that we may have failed to say it at the right time but its not like that we don't care...
try it once and see the magic... Thanks for reading... Happy Reading...
Monday, June 15, 2009
Art of living is art of giving

To master the art of living you must be ready to give... even the saint believe that true happiness comes with renunciation.
Its not actually that hard to give up something that we have to someone else but believe me it gives you a lot happiness within when you see the person you bestowed your thing is happy and enjoying.
Its not what you should gift its just the matter of choice to whom you are gifting. Its the choice of the person and the choice of thing that will make him/her happy irrespective of the nature or the price of the gift.
every single act of love, kindness and generosity will multiply and return to you many times over which you can feel every time you do the mentioned activity.
True giving is without expecting anything in return, like the love of a mother. A mother does and gifts materialistic and im-materialistic things without expecting anything from us.. and you know you can see the happiness on her face when the child plays and enjoy the gift.
Enjoy gifting.. happy reading...
Friday, May 29, 2009
Emotional Intelligence and Relationship Building
The best things in life – success, happiness, love – depend on our ability to create and maintain great relationships. Most of us do a good job with relationships at the start, only to stumble down the road. Why do relationships develop such challenging problems?
Oftentimes, relationship problems are due to a breakdown in the skills of emotional intelligence. Fortunately, it’s never too late to develop these skills and raise your emotional intelligence abilities. Once you’ve learned the five key emotional intelligence skills, you’ll be able to create and sustain secure, successful, long-lasting relationships.
Many people put their best foot forward in a new work setting or when looking to attract a mate, but stumble while trying to maintain their relationships over the long term. That’s because keeping a relationship healthy and fulfilling requires a unique skill set that many of us don’t have. This skill set is known as emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, control, and effectively communicate our own emotions, and to recognize the emotions of other people. When our emotional intelligence skills are well developed, we have a solid emotional foundation that helps us build strong relationships and communicate clearly.
The skills of emotional intelligence help you:
>>Build rewarding, lasting relationships
>>Stay calm and focused, regardless of the circumstances
>>Understand your own motivations, feelings, and needs
>>Recognize the difference between damaging and helpful communication
>>Accurately “read” other people
>>Defuse arguments and repair wounded feelings
>>Find more playfulness and joy in your relationships
>>Transform conflict into an opportunity for building trust
Emotions are the building blocks of each relationship in our lives, and the power of those emotions cannot be overlooked. Emotions override our thoughts and profoundly influence our behavior – often without our awareness.
Most people seek relationship advice to find answers to problems they believe are responsible for their conflicts—without realizing there are more fundamental issues at the core of those problems. They are attempting to heal the surface symptoms of their dysfunctional relationships, without examining the real emotional issues that are simmering beneath. But until those fundamental issues are addressed, the problems and conflicts will continue.
Enjoy reading more on Emotional Intelligence on
Happy reading....
Oftentimes, relationship problems are due to a breakdown in the skills of emotional intelligence. Fortunately, it’s never too late to develop these skills and raise your emotional intelligence abilities. Once you’ve learned the five key emotional intelligence skills, you’ll be able to create and sustain secure, successful, long-lasting relationships.
Many people put their best foot forward in a new work setting or when looking to attract a mate, but stumble while trying to maintain their relationships over the long term. That’s because keeping a relationship healthy and fulfilling requires a unique skill set that many of us don’t have. This skill set is known as emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, control, and effectively communicate our own emotions, and to recognize the emotions of other people. When our emotional intelligence skills are well developed, we have a solid emotional foundation that helps us build strong relationships and communicate clearly.
The skills of emotional intelligence help you:
>>Build rewarding, lasting relationships
>>Stay calm and focused, regardless of the circumstances
>>Understand your own motivations, feelings, and needs
>>Recognize the difference between damaging and helpful communication
>>Accurately “read” other people
>>Defuse arguments and repair wounded feelings
>>Find more playfulness and joy in your relationships
>>Transform conflict into an opportunity for building trust
Emotions are the building blocks of each relationship in our lives, and the power of those emotions cannot be overlooked. Emotions override our thoughts and profoundly influence our behavior – often without our awareness.
Most people seek relationship advice to find answers to problems they believe are responsible for their conflicts—without realizing there are more fundamental issues at the core of those problems. They are attempting to heal the surface symptoms of their dysfunctional relationships, without examining the real emotional issues that are simmering beneath. But until those fundamental issues are addressed, the problems and conflicts will continue.
Enjoy reading more on Emotional Intelligence on
Happy reading....
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Still waiting for your second chance
Just wanted to share this short story with you all...
Hi friend,
I loved reading this...
It’s another morning..
….. Again I have to go to office
Ohh, this is me… I shouted having a glance on my snap in today’s news
But what the HELL it is doing in the death column??
One sec... Let me think, last night when I was going to bed I had a severe
pain in my chest, but I don’t remember anything after that, I think I had a
sound sleep.
Its morning now, ohh….. It’s already 10:00 AM, where is my coffee?
I will be late for office and my boss will get a chance to irritate me.
Where is everyone…??? I screamed.
“I think there is a crowed outside my room, let me check.” I said to
So many people….. Not all of them crying…
But why some of them crying…
WHAT IS THIS??? I m laying there on the floor…
“I AM HERE” … I shouted!!! No one listen.
“LOOK I AM NOT DEAD” … I screamed once again!!! No one is interested in me.
They all were looking me on the bed.
I went back to my bed room.
“Am I dead??” I asked myself.
Where is my wife, my children, my mom-DAD, my friends?
I found them in the next room, all of them were crying… still trying to
console each other.
My wife was crying… she was really looking sad.
My little kid was not sure what happened, but he was crying just coz his
mom was sad.
How can I go without saying my kid that I really love him, I really do care
of him. ??
How can I go without saying my wife that she is really most beautiful and
most caring wife in this world..??
How can I go without saying my parents that I m … just because of u ??
How can I go without telling my friends that without them perhaps I have
done most of the wrong things in my life… thanks for being there always
when I need them… and sorry for not being there when they really need me..
I can see a person standing in the corner and trying to hide his tears…
Ohh… he was once my best friend, but a small misunderstanding made us part,
and we both have strong enough ego to keep us disconnect.
I went there.. And offered him my hand, “Dear friend… I just want to say
sorry for everything, we r still best friend, please forgive me.”
No response from other side, what the hell?? He is still preserving his
ego, I am saying sorry… even then!!!
I really don’t care for such people.
But one sec…. it seems he is not able to see me!!!! He did not see my
extended hand.
My goodness… AM I REALLY DEAD???
I just sat down near ME; I was also feeling like crying…
I just wasn’t to make my wife, my parents; my friends realize that how much
I love them.
My wife entered in the room, she looks beautiful.
“YOU R BEAUTIFUL” I shouted.
She didn’t hear my words, in fact she never heard these words coz I never
said this to her.
“GOD!!!!” I screamed… a little more time plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..
I cried…
One more chance please… to hug my child, to make my mom smile just once, to
feel my dad proud on me at least for a moment, to say sorry to my friends
for everything I have not given to them, and thanks for still being in my
Then I looked up and cried!!!!
I shouted….
"You shouted in your sleep," said my wife as she gently woke me up. "Did
you have a nightmare?"
I was sleeping….
Ohh that was just a dream….
My wife was there… she can hear me…
This is the happiest moment of my life…
I hugged her and whispered…. “U R THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND CARING WIFE IN
I can’t understand the reason of the smile on her face with some tears in
her eyes, still I m happy…. :)
So, Now it’s not late.. Forget your egos, past……….., and express your love
to others………. Be friendly…………… keep smiling and be happy for ever… or you still waiting for your second chance..........
Hi friend,
I loved reading this...
It’s another morning..
….. Again I have to go to office
Ohh, this is me… I shouted having a glance on my snap in today’s news
But what the HELL it is doing in the death column??
One sec... Let me think, last night when I was going to bed I had a severe
pain in my chest, but I don’t remember anything after that, I think I had a
sound sleep.
Its morning now, ohh….. It’s already 10:00 AM, where is my coffee?
I will be late for office and my boss will get a chance to irritate me.
Where is everyone…??? I screamed.
“I think there is a crowed outside my room, let me check.” I said to
So many people….. Not all of them crying…
But why some of them crying…
WHAT IS THIS??? I m laying there on the floor…
“I AM HERE” … I shouted!!! No one listen.
“LOOK I AM NOT DEAD” … I screamed once again!!! No one is interested in me.
They all were looking me on the bed.
I went back to my bed room.
“Am I dead??” I asked myself.
Where is my wife, my children, my mom-DAD, my friends?
I found them in the next room, all of them were crying… still trying to
console each other.
My wife was crying… she was really looking sad.
My little kid was not sure what happened, but he was crying just coz his
mom was sad.
How can I go without saying my kid that I really love him, I really do care
of him. ??
How can I go without saying my wife that she is really most beautiful and
most caring wife in this world..??
How can I go without saying my parents that I m … just because of u ??
How can I go without telling my friends that without them perhaps I have
done most of the wrong things in my life… thanks for being there always
when I need them… and sorry for not being there when they really need me..
I can see a person standing in the corner and trying to hide his tears…
Ohh… he was once my best friend, but a small misunderstanding made us part,
and we both have strong enough ego to keep us disconnect.
I went there.. And offered him my hand, “Dear friend… I just want to say
sorry for everything, we r still best friend, please forgive me.”
No response from other side, what the hell?? He is still preserving his
ego, I am saying sorry… even then!!!
I really don’t care for such people.
But one sec…. it seems he is not able to see me!!!! He did not see my
extended hand.
My goodness… AM I REALLY DEAD???
I just sat down near ME; I was also feeling like crying…
I just wasn’t to make my wife, my parents; my friends realize that how much
I love them.
My wife entered in the room, she looks beautiful.
“YOU R BEAUTIFUL” I shouted.
She didn’t hear my words, in fact she never heard these words coz I never
said this to her.
“GOD!!!!” I screamed… a little more time plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..
I cried…
One more chance please… to hug my child, to make my mom smile just once, to
feel my dad proud on me at least for a moment, to say sorry to my friends
for everything I have not given to them, and thanks for still being in my
Then I looked up and cried!!!!
I shouted….
"You shouted in your sleep," said my wife as she gently woke me up. "Did
you have a nightmare?"
I was sleeping….
Ohh that was just a dream….
My wife was there… she can hear me…
This is the happiest moment of my life…
I hugged her and whispered…. “U R THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND CARING WIFE IN
I can’t understand the reason of the smile on her face with some tears in
her eyes, still I m happy…. :)
So, Now it’s not late.. Forget your egos, past……….., and express your love
to others………. Be friendly…………… keep smiling and be happy for ever… or you still waiting for your second chance..........
Monday, February 09, 2009
Valentines Day Past Present and Future

Valentine's Day or Saint Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated on February 14 by many people throughout the world. In the West, it is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other by sending Valentine's cards, presenting flowers, or offering confectionery. The holiday is named after two among the numerous Early Christian martyrs named Valentine. The day became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.
There are many alternative and more stories to that but the love birds don't mind to have one more reason to spend one more day together with some liberty to roam in the favorite places whole day.
I it needs some special day to say what you feel within... I feel the day you speak your heart should be the special one and not a day where you plan to speak your heart. I don't feel things like these have a schedule... or do they have...
I also wonder how politics has found its way in to valentines day... means is this some sort of way to make money for the gift shops, a day to make politics count the most, a day for social dogma to strain out their happenings or what ???

human relationships,
Latest Happenings,
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Satyam Ramalinga Raju and History
Today when I type satyam in my google search the results what I get really questions to all we Indians that do know only to react on situations or do we really have the gutts to stand to it... results like "Raju brings down Satyam, shakes India.." really made me think why india is a democratic country where anyone can say whatever literally whatever without giving a thought what could be its effect on the readers...
The facts remain the same that there has been such a scam undertook over a period not in a day but reactions should be monitored too.
One of my friend send me a mail today that I would like to share with you guys... have a look and think over all again...
after reading this mail first thought that came to me was that all peoples are not simply rats on the sunking ship running for their life but few are always there to stand strong and face the storm.
The facts remain the same that there has been such a scam undertook over a period not in a day but reactions should be monitored too.
One of my friend send me a mail today that I would like to share with you guys... have a look and think over all again...
Dear all of my Satyamites,
Yesterday will be a memorable day to us throughout our life. Little bit of business & human nature knowledge is forcing me to write few of my thoughts (Please ignore them if they doesn’t make any sense).
Ask yourself who is worst affected by all this mayhem. Is it u & me (employees), Govt or Satyam & Ramalingaraju ?. My conviction says that employees of any MNC are associated to that company as long as they don’t have any better option, the best thing government can do for a company is to keep itself away from it. But there was a visionary who created wealth for a nation for 20 years, the only thing that cannot be separated from Satyam for these 20 years & ahead also if Satyam remains was\is a name called “Ramalinga Raju”. Fortunately I got some 15 min of time talking to him when i was an ELTP. He’s much softer then we see him.
Imagine what would be going on in his mind when he was writing yesterday’s letter accepting all the things which he did only to save his company. All have made him scapegoat for what has happened & left the company keeping their integrity intact. He was cursed badly for putting the money of a public limited company into his family driven company but it only now clear that how he was transferrring the risk from 50,000 people to his two sons & his known-integrity.
The worst which can happen to we the employees is that we are out of our current job, jobless for time being & then again getting a job which we deserve & our families will be worried for us(as they are always). But a relatively bitter truth will be for the Raju-family who will be annoyed for ages & will be treated as miscreants by those who do not know the truth or more about Greedy investors & money market. And the truth is that he has not stolen some thousand crores rupees into his own pocket, it was a bubble he created which busted. (And every other company on earth does so, being wary of not getting trapped)
One more thing which annoys me is does a philanthropist guy deserve this disgraceful exit ? I really feel sad about the way he’s been portrait in the media. Our rustic fellows have already started comparing him with Harshad Mehta. Tell me any incident in corporate India where any chairman has dared to confess such irregularities in his own firm. And believe me it takes hell lot of guts to accept all this publicly. And as I read the news today morning it was published there that even his community members have suggested him not to tell anything and later on he can play with the Indian laws as every politician does in India. But as he mentioned it was all deep regret in his conscience which lead him to confess all this.
I am not at all saying that he’s totally innocent and unaware of what’s been going there but a person who has started a journey called Satyam 20 yrs ago with few associates and made it 4th largest IT Company in India, done all this for sake of his 50000 Satyam family members. In the end i’ll ask only one question to all of my friends,” for whom he has created this bubble, if it was he who was going bankrupt? ”
The day before all this mayhem started, we all were proud to be called as Satyamites and were wearing the Satyam tag displaying our esteem to others, and now due to a single incidence u are feeling awkward to show the same Satyam tag in public?? I don’t know about others, but still I am proud to be a SATYAMITE!!!
after reading this mail first thought that came to me was that all peoples are not simply rats on the sunking ship running for their life but few are always there to stand strong and face the storm.
Thursday, January 01, 2009
freshness to relationship
Let the bygones be bygones of 2008 and bring some freshness to your relationship.
They year 2008 would have brought some good and some bad memories but decision is yours whether you want to relish only the good ones by carrying them forward with you to cherish them your whole life forth.
Just want to make you realize let the sorrow part that bring bitterness to the relationship and make good memories count and make many more to be relished.happy new year 2009 and may it brings freshness to the relationships you have made.
They year 2008 would have brought some good and some bad memories but decision is yours whether you want to relish only the good ones by carrying them forward with you to cherish them your whole life forth.
Just want to make you realize let the sorrow part that bring bitterness to the relationship and make good memories count and make many more to be relished.happy new year 2009 and may it brings freshness to the relationships you have made.
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