Emotional affairs can be especially harmful to new relationships. When you've first started dating, things are tentative and unsure, and can be easily derailed with misunderstandings. Asking a potential partner to accept an inappropriate friendship is a sure-fire way to end your new relationship before it even starts.
If you are having an emotional affair with the opposite sex, ask yourself why you want to continue. Are you afraid of a real relationship, and therefore hold on to this emotional affair? Having a friend to fantasize about can be a crutch to hold you back from developing a healthy relationship.
When you begin to share intimate or hurtful details of your relationship with one particular friend of the opposite sex, you are in the beginning stages of an emotional affair. Every relationship has ups and downs, but by relaying personal information on your significant other you are also betraying his or her trust.
Thats why its said that friendships are great but emotional affairs are trouble...
When you begin to have feelings of attraction for your friend. You wonder what it would be like to kiss or touch your friend. You are getting in an emotional affair.
You spend more energy longing for your friend than you do your partner. When you're with your partner, you look forward to when you can get back to spending time with your friend.
You tend to hide information on your friendship from your partner. You email or call each other in secret, and when asked how you two spent your time you have a tendency to lie.
Something about your friendship bothers your partner, and when he or she asks you about it you get uncomfortable or defensive.
You believe that no matter how great the new person in your life is, he or she will never be able to know you quite like your friend does.
You are jealous when your friend goes on a date. You find yourself hoping your friend will not find love and instead spend time with you.
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