We happen to encounter situations in relations that are not planned or expected and we happen to say and do things that are not meant... but the fact stands that it occurred... so what we do ?
do we realize and accept situation and try to do the needful to patch it up or just leave it on time or the next person to forget the incidence....
No, I m not saying that its bad happened because of us but can not we discuss this with a cool mind.... Ego ???? come on is this ego is what we have to live life and keep on loosing relations to make survive our ego.... I don't see any sanity in doing so....
Why don't we use the magical words that always works... yes there are few very very special words like SORRY, Thanks ! Love you, Miss You.... and so on... but we hesitate to use them quite often just because of our EGO !!
We be rather be honest to ourselves rather than feeding the EGO !!
time is something that waits for nothing nor does it gives second chance to everyone... you are lucky if you have got one... but trust me on my words when i say that be careful with the time it does not give a second chance not even to thank someone or to say sorry....
So my friend before its too late go and say the magical words and see the magic happening...it works to strengthen relations.....
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